Be the Impact – PTS’ Suzanne Irvan Showing Us How It’s Done

Hello, I’m Suzanne Irvan & I’m a physical therapist with Pediatric Therapeutic Services. I absolutely love my work in Early Intervention & would like to share a project I worked on to modify toy ride-on cars for children with mobility restrictions.
I organized a fitness fundraiser and worked together with the Assistive Medical Technology (AMT) Club, an engineering student organization out of the University of Delaware. The funds raised, totaling $1,325.00, were used to help purchase and convert toy “ride-on” cars to make them a safe ride and help children with mobility restrictions keep up with their friends and family.
I’d like to spotlight my student Jason, a delightful young boy with a complicated medical history to include liver cancer and a liver transplant surgery.

Jason has impaired mobility and is unable to stand and walk and has a challenging time interacting and playing with other kids his age. Some of Jason’s favorite things include his family, toys with lights and music, Mickey mouse, Paw Patrol and Christmas music all year round!

I worked together with the Biomedical engineering students from the AMT Club to modify Jason’s ride-on Jeep and complete electrical and physical modifications to make it safe & functional for Jason. Modifications included additional padding and supports to include a 5-point harness, adapted steering wheel and a large “Go” button positioned posteriorly to facilitate postural extension and make the car move. Additional safety modifications also included a remote control for Jason’s family that controls speed, steering and has a parking/stop function while he logs miles and fine tunes his driving skills. It also happens to have an MP3 player so Jason can listen to his favorite Christmas tunes while on the road!

Once modifications were completed we met at a local park for Jason to start his driving trial with his brand new Jeep. Jason has been logging miles regularly on the outdoor trails near his home and especially enjoys being able to enjoy the outdoors and keep pace with his parents and older brother & sister. Lots of smiles & happiness from all involved!