A teacher sends a frantic email or urgently flags you down in the hallway to say, “So-and-so can’t”—write their letters, stay at their desk, keep their hands to themselves… the list goes on—“and I think they need therapy. How do …
Imagine your school without related services. Imagine your students struggling with day-to-day classroom skills but having no one to come help them. That’s what I saw during my recent trip to Guatemala, where I provided free inservice training to teachers …
You’re on the cusp of your career as a physical therapist (PT), but there’s still a major milestone ahead: passing your PT boards exam! The National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE®) is the 250-multiple choice question, up-to 5-hours-long test you must pass to become a …
Most of us learn about “the five senses” at an early age: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. As a professional working in special education though, you’re familiar with two more: vestibular sense (balance) and proprioception (movement). Professional therapy clinicians …
Show Teachers How To Use Articulation Games And Lighten Your Caseload If a first-grade teacher hears a student talking about wearing “wed shoes,” watching a “buhd” fly, or seeing the “thun” in the sky, the teacher may want to refer …
Spot The Signs Your Student Needs Help Taking Part In Daily School Activities Does your daughter struggle every night to finish her homework because she’s brought home incomplete instructions, copied from the board in an almost illegible scrawl? When your …