Feeling Your Best Getting Back to the Grind
by Colleen Smith, MA, BCBA – Director of Behavioral Health
What a whirlwind August through December is. When you finally get to winter break, it is like crossing the finish line of a marathon, your body and mind are exhausted. Even when it is only your first day of break it already feels like it is going by too quickly. And then starts the back from break scaries. Going back to work after a break is tough. The glitter is gone, the spirit days are on hold and January is gray and long. It can really be dreadful but here are some things that may help.
Don’t confuse the uncomfortable feeling of the transition as being sad. You don’t have to be sad about going back to work. It’s not always a bad place to be. Remind yourself that you know how to do your job, and you do it well. Remember that you have co-workers that are friends. Many of you work with students who are going to be so happy to see you.
Before the first day back to work, send a text to your work bestie and make a pact to check in with each other throughout the first week post break. Plan to bring a treat for your team or pack a joke book with you so you can lighten the mood for those also struggling to regain momentum. Choose a day to bring a coworker a surprise. coffee. Brightening someone else’s morning can help your mood. Get the week off on a positive note.
Throughout the week, make sure you pack yourself a good lunch with a treat. No need to go cold turkey from holiday foods to New Year’s Resolutions. Plan attire that will make you feel good. Some people prefer comfy clothes, but others need to dress up to set the tone for a successful work week.
Plan to do something fun toward the end of the week. This may be a craft, a movie night, a home spa night, or anything that you will look forward to doing.
When you get to the weekend reflect on how it went. Was it as bad as your mind told you it would be, or did you get right back into to the groove? Did you think of ways to keep away the January blues while powering through week one? Share those ideas with your work bestie and keep it that energy flowing. As hard as it may be to return to work know that you are much appreciated and the work you are doing matters so just keep going.
Let me know how it goes.