The Great Outdoors
Summer is a great time to explore the Great Outdoors. Kids can continue to develop sensory regulation skills, gross motor skills and fine motor skills, as well as expanding their play skills, while having fun outside!
Sensory: Sensory processing is the way we take in, process and respond to sensory information from the environment and from our bodies. The following activities are easy ways to provide a variety of sensory inputs including touch, movement, and proprioception:
- Wash the car
- Dig and plant in the garden and in pots
- Blow Bubbles
- Run through a sprinkler
- Slip and Slides
- Take a hike or walk with a heavy backpack
Gross Motor: Gross motor skills refer to large muscle movements including jumping, running, catching and throwing. The following activities are easy ways to support gross motor development.
- Ride a bike
- Swimming
- Playing on different playgrounds – monkey bars, swings, climbing equipment, etc.
- Playing with pool noodles in the water and out!
- Water balloon games
- Go for a walk (take a dog)
- Make obstacle courses outside that include balancing, throwing and jumping
- Hopscotch
- Jump rope
- Have a catch – playground balls, tennis balls, beach ball to vary speed and distance
Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor skills refer to smaller muscles of the upper body including hand skills. The following activities are easy ways to support eye hand coordination and development of the smaller muscles of the hands.
- Draw with sidewalk chalk – create your own house, draw your family or your favorite foods
- Scavenger hunts to find items in nature like leaves, rocks, sticks, etc.
- Picking up shells on the beach and use them in a craft
- Coloring over leaves, flowers, sticks, shells and more natural items to create various textures
- Paint the house, sidewalk, driveway using water and paintbrushes
- Keep a journal – draw a picture and/or write or type about your summer break
- Roasting marshmallows – putting marshmallows on a stick
- Make fruit skewers