The Details: A PTS Clinical Director Provided Weekly, On-Site Support
To help Centennial School District absorb its additional speech-language pathology students onto therapy caseloads without proportional spikes in expenses, a PTS Clinical Director provided weekly, on-site support at no additional cost to the district.
The PTS team worked with the school administrators to clarify processes, tighten schedules, and service students in groups, whenever possible and appropriate. Using our BudgetWatch™ system, we cultivated opportunities to improve workflow. Then, we identified and targeted areas in need of improvement to maximize therapists’ time, so they could see more students while containing caseloads.
The Results: PTS Kept Speech-Language Pathology Services at Efficiency 100% or More
There are few more compelling ways to demonstrate our program management chops than a year-to-year comparison of the speech program at Centennial School District.
Since PTS began providing speech services to the entire school district, overall efficiency has consistently been 100% or higher.*
As of 2016, PTS’s total cost stayed within 0.4% of the inception of the program in 2005, solidifying another 3-year contract renewal.
*PTS measures efficiency as the total Individualized Education Plan (IEP) time covered + diagnostic time/hours billed so the benefit of group sessions is captured.