

At Pediatric Therapeutic Services (PTS), we place highly qualified pediatric school psychologists in our partnering school districts to support the multi-faceted needs of each child so that they can fully access their education. Learn more about what school psychologists can do for your students today!


What is a School Psychologist?

What is a School Psychologist?

Pediatric school psychologists work with students who present learning or behavioral problems, mental health challenges, specific disabilities, and other conditions. Specifically, they address problems that impact instruction and learning, such as:

What Is A School Psychologist?
  • Chronic or acute personal or school crises
  • Adverse social conditions that threaten physical, emotional, and mental health
  • Social or interpersonal problems, disabilities, and disorders that affect learning, behavior, or transitioning out of school and into the workforce

School psychologists also serve on each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, complete comprehensive evaluations, consult with school personnel, and provide individual and group interventions and counseling. Many PTS school psychologists are also instrumental in helping schools manage student evaluations and stay compliant with mandated timelines.

How School Psychologists Support Students in the Classroom

School psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students and consult with teachers, families, and other members of a student’s IEP team. They can support students by improving academic achievement by providing individualized instruction as well as:

  • Promoting positive behavior and mental health by teaching effective problem-solving, anger management, and conflict-resolution skills.
  • Creating a safe, positive school environment by identifying at-risk students and providing crisis prevention and intervention.
  • Strengthening family/school partnerships by helping families understand their child’s learning and mental health needs.
How School Psychologists Support Students in the Classroom

School Psychologists as Part of the Diagnostic Team

School psychologists play an important role in the assessment and diagnostic stage of a student’s IEP by performing four main functions:


They administer psychological and educational assessments to students with learning, social, emotional, or behavioral difficulties to determine who qualifies for related services. This can reduce the number of students on therapy caseloads and contain costs.


They provide consultations, advice, and recommendations to parents, teachers, and other school personnel. PTS offers in-service training, during which school psychologists can train teachers on effective interventions at the general education level.

Prevention & Intervention

They collaborate with teachers, parents, and administrators to find effective solutions to students’ learning and behavioral problems. By performing emergency or grief counseling for individuals and groups, they also promote a safe learning environment.

Research & Planning

They assist schools in the development and implementation of research-based educational programs. Working alongside teaching staff, they can also develop new interventions that can help keep students who don’t require related services off the caseload.

PTS Can Help You Add a School Psychologist to Your Team

All the therapists in our network have access to support and career advancement opportunities. This allows them to hone their skills, share their expertise, and stay up to date on laws and regulations. Once we place a school psychologist in your district, our experienced Clinical Directors will continue to provide day-to-day program management so you can focus on the big picture.

PTS Can Help You Add a School Psychologist to Your Team

Add a Pediatric School Psychologist to Your Team with PTS

When you add a school psychologist to your team through PTS, we’ll help you manage student evaluations, stay compliant with mandated timelines, and improve the overall effectiveness of your program. With our help, you can help more students while containing special education expenses in the long run. Contact us today!